TOUCH Ireland Education Grant Schemes
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Nelson Mandela
When we started TOUCH Ireland 25 years ago our Ethos was simple and that was to try and keep children alive through our support. However, it wasn’t long before we realised that if you managed to do this then you had to provide them with the means to stay alive. The most positive and sustainable way of doing this was through Education!
So, if asked today we would definitely say that Survival and Education go hand in hand together.
Over the years we have set up several ways of funding the education of Children/Youths through Education Grant Schemes, Child Sponsorship and Education Bursaries.
The Zambian & Nepalese Education systems are as follows:
• Primary School: Grade 1 – Grade 7 – Child Sponsorship Schemes
• Lower Secondary: Grade 8 & 9 – Child Sponsorship Schemes
• Higher Secondary: Grade 10 – Grade 12 – Higher Education Grant Scheme
• Skills Training – 3rd Level Education Grant Scheme
• 3rd Level Education – 3rd Level Education Grant Scheme & Bursaries
Through your support this has been very successful to date.
The attached video shows the students actively receiving support for 3rd Level and Higher Secondary Education in Nepal & Zambia during 2023.
We hope you can see the value of your support and that you continue into the future.