‘Hunger Will Kill Us.’ A Global Food Crisis Looms!
TOUCH Ireland 12 Days of Christmas Fundraiser
This Christmas, your support spread the joy of Christmas to Vulnerable Youths/Children and their families. You provided 2,000 people approx. with food over Christmas and into the New Year. We raised the amazing amount of €2,270.00 online and offline. This enabled us to carry out all our Food Programmes over the Christmas period and has set us on our way to our next Food Programmes in 2024.
“Hunger is not an issue of charity. It is an issue of justice.” “It is an eternal obligation toward the human being not to let him suffer from hunger when one has a chance of coming to his assistance.”
Thank you all that Supported us in this and other Fundraisers throughout 2023. We look forward to your continuous support in 2024.
TOUCH Ireland carries Food Programmes in Nepal, Zambia, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh
The world has never faced a hunger emergency like this, experts say. It could double the number of people facing acute hunger to 265 million by the end of this year.
Already, 135 million people had been facing acute food shortages, 130 million more could go hungry! Altogether, an estimated 265 million people could be pushed to the brink of starvation by year’s end.
Nepal Food Programmes
Bangladesh Food Programmes